Description: Use Haitham's Typing Text script to display messages in an animated fashion. Unlike similar scripts, both the typing speed and pause between messages can be easily configured. Cool!
Directions Just add the below where you wish the scroller to appear. Configure the variables inside to change messages/speed.
<form name="news">
<textarea name="news2" cols=40 rows=4 wrap=virtual></textarea>
<script language=JavaScript>
var newsText = new Array();
newsText[0] = "Typing Text JScript v1\nDeveloped on Sunday, April 15th, 2001...";
newsText[1] = "This is a text-typing DHTML demo. \nScript featured on";
newsText[2] = "Make sure you read the comments before you configure the script...";
newsText[3] = "Programmed by: Haitham Al-Beik...\n\nCopyright (c) Haitham M. Al-Beik, 2001";
newsText[4] = ""
var ttloop = 1; // Repeat forever? (1 = True; 0 = False)
var tspeed = 50; // Typing speed in milliseconds (larger number = slower)
var tdelay = 1000; // Time delay between newsTexts in milliseconds
// ------------- NO EDITING AFTER THIS LINE ------------- \\
var dwAText, cnews=0, eline=0, cchar=0, mxText;
function doNews() {
mxText = newsText.length - 1;
dwAText = newsText[cnews];
function addNews() {
cnews += 1;
if (cnews <= mxText) {
dwAText = newsText[cnews];
if (dwAText.length != 0) { = "";
eline = 0;
function addChar() {
if (eline!=1) {
if (cchar != dwAText.length) {
nmttxt = ""; for (var k=0; k<=cchar;k++) nmttxt += dwAText.charAt(k); = nmttxt;
cchar += 1;
if (cchar != dwAText.length) += "_";
} else {
cchar = 0;
eline = 1;
if (mxText==cnews && eline!=0 && ttloop!=0) {
cnews = 0; setTimeout("addNews()",tdelay);
} else setTimeout("addChar()",tspeed);
} else {