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So awsome!!! Thanks for sharing!
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Can someone some how make english version? Please?
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Jeigu kazkas kazkam neveikia Pasidarykiy manual : HUD į reikia įrašyti dvi eilutes: [GLOBAL]modules=softhud BlackBox (Juodoji dėžė) į reikia įrašyti dvi eilutes (nuo 14.6.0 versijos): [PRODUCT:Blackbox] module=blackbox 7 dienų bandomosios versijos perspėjimo išjungimas iš reikia ištrinti dvi eilutes: licType=trial validity=XXXX.XX.XX galima redaguoti su Notepad ++ programa HTC Desire HD veikia 100%
Head-up display shows following information---Speed
limit Speed
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of arrival - ETA Distance to the
next turn Turn
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BlackBox - your reliable witness:
Record what’s happening on the road Continuous loop recording No standalone devices or accessories needed Use while navigating or when driving without a route Save and export video to the gallery Video with embedded GPS coordi- nates, current speed, time & date Answer : HTC ONE 8 Works 100%
I Can
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very nice forum...
its not downloading why ? he says "Access denied"
Who can translate this to English please its not working whit Google translate : Íàçâàíèå èíôîðìåðà: Ñëàéäåð Ðàçäåë: Êàòàëîã ôàéëîâ Òèï äàííûõ: Ìàòåðèàëû Ñïîñîá ñîðòèðîâêè:  ñëó÷àéíîì ïîðÿäêå Êîëè÷åñòâî ìàòåðèàëîâ: 20 Êîëè÷åñòâî êîëîíîê: 1 Êîä:
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