How to install?The template has been tested with IE 7-8, Google, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera.
1. Upload folders bbcodes, css, demo, icons, images, js, profile to the root directory of your website
2. Go to Control panel->Design management(CSS)-> delete everything you see there, and add
{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; color:#999;
height:100px; width:300px; border:1px dotted #999; background-color:
#333; }
.replaceTable a { color:#C60; font-weight:bold; }
.replaceBody { background-image: url(../images/ventuno.gif); background-repeat: repeat; background-color: #333; }
.legendTd {font-size:7pt;}
3. Go to Control panel->Common settings-> tag value (in the bottom of the page)-> insert DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Go to Control panel → Design management->Global block->create
blocks - BANNERS, BOTTOM, NAVI, SLAIDER. Insert the necessary templates
in them. (e.g. insert the code from the template "NAVI" in the global
block "NAVI")
5. Go to Control panel->Design ->Template
builder->and set up the "Template builder”. Open it in the Pad, copy
the code, paste into the builder, press "Create templates”.
6. Set up other templates – Site News, File Catalog, Forum, Comments, Users, Web Poll
Do not set up template "Site pages”7.
Go to Control panel->Site news->Module settings->activate
"Entry brief description». Both "Entry brief description” and "Entry
full text” should be tagged. Next, activate 4 custom fields and rename
Custom field 1-> Image link
Custom field 2->Video link
Custom field 3->File size
Custom field 4->File link
Go to Control panel->File catalog->Module settings->activate
fields ”Link to entry source” and "Link to entry documentation” and
rename them:
Link to entry source->Image link
Link to entry documentation->Video link
Enable builder, press the cogwheel-shaped button to the right of the
"Site menu” block. Proceed to the HTML folder. Delete everything you see
there and insert the code:
<ul class="menu level1" >
class="active" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/" >
<span> Main page </span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/load" >
<span> File catalog</span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/dir" >
<span> Site catalog </span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/photo" >
<span> Photo albums </span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/index/0-3"
> <span> Contact Us </span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/index/0-4"
> <span> Terms of use </span> </a> </li>
class="parent" > <a class="orphan item bullet" href="/forum" >
<span> Forum </span> </a> </li>
Save the changes!
10. Set up the template "Site page” in Control panel->Design management-> Site page (
It should be the last thing to do)
Feel happy about the set up template.