Slider KinoPlius Help to setup :)
Dr4Go Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 9:59 AM | Message # 1
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 6
Hi all uCozBaze staff!!! First want to say you you do great work i love your web sites Now my problem. I download KinoPlius template and i try to install it it sucess but i cant install Slider i am new in downlaod and insatll templates i am not pro Pleas if you can help me tell me And second i love admin button [] can u admins tell me how you make this:)
Message edited by Dr4Go - Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:00 AM
Message Hi all uCozBaze staff!!! First want to say you you do great work i love your web sites Now my problem. I download KinoPlius template and i try to install it it sucess but i cant install Slider i am new in downlaod and insatll templates i am not pro Pleas if you can help me tell me And second i love admin button [] can u admins tell me how you make this:) Author - Dr4Go Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 9:59 AM
interout Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:21 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1027
Main » Customize design » Global blocks Creat Block name it CONTBLOCK in that block put that code: Code
<div id="cSlider"> <div id="cSlider_lbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_prev"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_rbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_next"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_cont"> <div id="cSlider_in"> <div id="cSlider_ins"> <ul>$MYINF_1$</ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--/cSlider-->
Creat Informer [ File Catalog · Entries · In random order · Entries: 20 · Columns: 1 ] name it Слайдер In to informer put that code: Code
<li><a href="$ENTRY_URL$" title="$TITLE$"><img src="<?if($IMG_SMALL_URL1$)?>$IMG_SMALL_URL1$<?else?>$IMG_URL1$<?endif?>" width="106" height="157" alt="$TITLE$" /></a></li>
In all you tempalte replace that code: Code
<div id="cSlider"> <div id="cSlider_lbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_prev"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_rbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_next"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_cont"> <div id="cSlider_in"> <div id="cSlider_ins"> <ul>$MYINF_1$</ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--/cSlider-->
Good Luck
Message Main » Customize design » Global blocks Creat Block name it CONTBLOCK in that block put that code: Code
<div id="cSlider"> <div id="cSlider_lbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_prev"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_rbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_next"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_cont"> <div id="cSlider_in"> <div id="cSlider_ins"> <ul>$MYINF_1$</ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--/cSlider-->
Creat Informer [ File Catalog · Entries · In random order · Entries: 20 · Columns: 1 ] name it Слайдер In to informer put that code: Code
<li><a href="$ENTRY_URL$" title="$TITLE$"><img src="<?if($IMG_SMALL_URL1$)?>$IMG_SMALL_URL1$<?else?>$IMG_URL1$<?endif?>" width="106" height="157" alt="$TITLE$" /></a></li>
In all you tempalte replace that code: Code
<div id="cSlider"> <div id="cSlider_lbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_prev"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_rbg"><a href="javascript://" class="cSlider_next"> </a></div> <div id="cSlider_cont"> <div id="cSlider_in"> <div id="cSlider_ins"> <ul>$MYINF_1$</ul> </div> </div> </div> </div><!--/cSlider-->
Good Luck Author - interout Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:21 AM
Dr4Go Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:35 AM | Message # 3
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 6
My WebPage Dont work i put kode like you but it says $COUNTER$ code is used more than once. and i cant save i search for $COUNTER$ can find P.S. Where i will add images or images links to my Slider maybe the solution is no image?!
Message My WebPage Dont work i put kode like you but it says $COUNTER$ code is used more than once. and i cant save i search for $COUNTER$ can find P.S. Where i will add images or images links to my Slider maybe the solution is no image?! Author - Dr4Go Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:35 AM
interout Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:39 AM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1027
Dr4Go , I have a day off tomorrow and we will check you template ok?
Message Dr4Go , I have a day off tomorrow and we will check you template ok? Author - interout Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:39 AM
Dr4Go Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:43 AM | Message # 5
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 6
Ofc take your time and if not hard can u tell me what program you use for this Added (2012-06-20, 3:43 PM) --------------------------------------------- P.S. And if i have some questions can i ask you ??? Becouse i am new in uCoz and not so much know HTML CSS etc.
Message Ofc take your time and if not hard can u tell me what program you use for this Added (2012-06-20, 3:43 PM) --------------------------------------------- P.S. And if i have some questions can i ask you ??? Becouse i am new in uCoz and not so much know HTML CSS etc.
Author - Dr4Go Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:43 AM
Message Dr4Go , We just download that from internet Any questions.... Author - interout Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:43 AM
Dr4Go Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:45 AM | Message # 7
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 6
Heheh okey i think you make it but in top of this web there green KinoPlius its sure you make how ^^ (sorry for distriputing you i just love animation and webs )
Message Heheh okey i think you make it but in top of this web there green KinoPlius its sure you make how ^^ (sorry for distriputing you i just love animation and webs ) Author - Dr4Go Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:45 AM
interout Date: Wednesday, 2012-06-20, 10:48 AM | Message # 8
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1027
Dr4Go , Internet full pages like that pvz Animated Text
Message Dr4Go , Internet full pages like that pvz Animated Text Author - interout Date Added - 2012-06-20 в 10:48 AM
Dr4Go Date: Monday, 2012-06-25, 5:35 PM | Message # 9
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 6
Okey thank you very very very much :):):) i will wait your answer tommorow Added (2012-06-25, 10:35 PM) ---------------------------------------------interout , I Am here mate:)
Message Okey thank you very very very much :):):) i will wait your answer tommorow Added (2012-06-25, 10:35 PM) ---------------------------------------------interout , I Am here mate:)
Author - Dr4Go Date Added - 2012-06-25 в 5:35 PM
interout Date: Monday, 2012-06-25, 7:24 PM | Message # 10
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1027
1. Залить все файлы на сайт из папки "Файловый менеджер". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Зайти в ПУ => Управление дизайном => Глобальные блоки. - Скопировать код из текст. документа "$GLOBAL_CONTBLOCK$" находящегося в папке "Модули" => "Глобальные блоки", глобальный блок назвать "CONTBLOCK". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Скопировать код из текст. документа "Конструктор" и вставить в "Конструктор шаблонов". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Скопировать код из текст. документа "Таблица стилей (CSS)" и вставить в "Таблица стилей (CSS)". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Поставить все модули с папки "Модули". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Поставить все информеры с текст. документа "Информеры". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Зайти в ПУ => Настройки => Общие настройки. - Версия библиотеки jQuery: jquery-1.3.2.js - При переходе на главную страницу открывать: Каталог файлов - Значение тега :
Message 1. Залить все файлы на сайт из папки "Файловый менеджер". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Зайти в ПУ => Управление дизайном => Глобальные блоки. - Скопировать код из текст. документа "$GLOBAL_CONTBLOCK$" находящегося в папке "Модули" => "Глобальные блоки", глобальный блок назвать "CONTBLOCK". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Скопировать код из текст. документа "Конструктор" и вставить в "Конструктор шаблонов". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Скопировать код из текст. документа "Таблица стилей (CSS)" и вставить в "Таблица стилей (CSS)". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Поставить все модули с папки "Модули". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Поставить все информеры с текст. документа "Информеры". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Зайти в ПУ => Настройки => Общие настройки. - Версия библиотеки jQuery: jquery-1.3.2.js - При переходе на главную страницу открывать: Каталог файлов - Значение тега : Author - interout Date Added - 2012-06-25 в 7:24 PM