1. I enable the capability of entries’ sorting in Publisher settings. But when I go to the Publisher page there is no sorting capability. What is the problem?
Answer: Perhaps you go to a section? Materials may be sorted in a category only.
Useful link: uCoz community forum
2. How can I make a list of most downloaded files?
Answer: There are links to entry TOPs in Template Customization - $TOP_NEW_URL$ etc. Use them.
Useful link: uCoz community forum
3. My catalog contains 107 files, and the list of most downloaded or commented files – only 50. Why is it so?
Answer: Because it is TOP, it is limited by module settings.
Useful link: uCoz community forum
4. Is it possible to create one more publisher (articles catalog)?
Answer: Yes. In site menu specify links not to the catalog but to definite sections. In this case a section in the catalog will be another catalog. Besides you can remake Link Catalog, of File Catalog or Ad Board into what you need. Module names are relative so you can make what you want.
Useful link: uCoz community forum
5. How to work with filters? It is not clear how to fill in and use them.
Answer: Fill in a filter with the words by which you need to select material and put the code of filter field into a template. Then choose a value on the page and sort entries. I.e. filter serves as additional hierarchy level. There are hints in the Control Panel.
Useful link: uCoz community forum
6. How to remove security code (captcha) for Guests?
Answer: Security code doesn't prevent users from adding entries. But it stops robots.