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Chat from the guestbook
GoblinaSDate: Thursday, 2011-09-15, 4:44 PM | Message # 1
Group: S-Moderator
Messages: 380
A very nice chat which is build on the guestbook.
This script has the following functions:
-> Auto refresh (all 10 seconds, customizable)
-> Color of the message, which are addressed to the user.
-> Smileys
-> BB-Codes functions like Code, Quote, Spoiler etc.
-> Send the messages with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + Enter
-> and much more.

The installation should be easy, but it will be difficult for beginners.
Ok then let us begin to install this Script wink

1. Login in the CP and activate the guestbook module (if isn't activated).
2. In the CP go to User -> User groups ->Set permissions for all groups and set it like on the Screenshot:

3. Now go in the CP to Customize design -> Guestbook -> Appearance of entries and replace all the Code with the following code:

<div class="blockGbChat $CLASS$">
    <div style="float: left">
    <span onclick="toUmane('<?if $USERNAME$?>$USERNAME$<?else?>Guest<?endif?>');" class="gbchatnick"> <?if $USERNAME$?>$USERNAME$<?else?>Guest<?endif?></span>
    <div style="text-align: right">
    <span title="$DATE$" class="gbct-nav" style="color: grey; font-size: 9px;">$TIME$</span>
    <?if $MODER_PANEL$?>$MODER_PANEL$<?endif?>
    <span title="$USERNAME$" class="gbct-nav" onclick="<?if substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9,strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'")) != $CUR_USER_ID$?>userChatNav({num: '$NUMBER$'},this);<?else?>_uWnd.alert('You have wrote this message.', 'Captain obvious', {w: 200, h: 70, tm: 5000});<?endif?>"><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/icons/user_gray.png" align="absmiddle" border="0"></span>
    <div class="hrchat"></div>
    <span class="messageChatMess">$MESSAGE$</span>
    <?if substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9, strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'")) != $CUR_USER_ID$?><div id="chb$NUMBER$" class="chat-block-div" onmouseover="menuJJ(this, 1);" onmouseout="menuJJ(this, 0);"><div class="cbgbH"><div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;"><?if $USER_AVATAR_URL$?><img src="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" onerror="this.src='/images/noavatar.png'" style="border: 0px; max-height: 150px; max-width: 150px;"><?else?><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/noavatar.png" style="border: 0px; max-height: 150px; max-width: 150px;"><?endif?></div> <div class="menu-chat-link prfl-mcg" onmouseover="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onmouseout="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onclick="menuNavChat('<?substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9,strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'"))?>', 0);">Profile</div><?if $USER_LOGGED_IN$?><div class="menu-chat-link prfl-pm" onmouseover="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onmouseout="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onclick="menuNavChat('<?substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9, strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'"))?>', 1);">Send PM</div><?endif?> </div></div><?endif?>

4. Now go in the Customize design to Global blocks -> Left or Right container and add the following code there where the Chat should be:

<link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="http://uscripts.de/css/chat-styles.css" />      
      <div id="gbchat"><div id="gbcb1"><div style="text-align: center; padding-top: 50px">Loading…</div> </div><div style="padding: 3px;" id="bbcodesInChat"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-bold.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('b');" alt="" title="Bold"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-italic.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('i');" alt="" title="Italic"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-underline.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('u');" alt="" title="Underline"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/script_code.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('code');" alt="" title="Add code"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/miscellaneous2.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('spoiler');" alt="" title="Spoiler"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/user_comment.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('quote');" alt="" title="Add quote"></div><textarea id="txtchatGB" onfocus="ifchatautosmiles();" onkeypress="ctrlpost(event, gbch.post);"></textarea> <div class="postbuttons-chat"><div class="pstt-chat"><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/icons/load.gif" style="border: 0;padding:3px 0px 0px 2px; display: none" alt="" align="absmiddle" id="statimg-chat"></div><input type="button" value="Senden" onclick="gbch.post();" title="Ctrl + Enter" class="ch-b-send"><input type="button" title="Smileys" onclick="smilesToggleChat();" value=":)" class="ch-b-sml"><input type="button" value="~" title="Options" onclick="optionschat();" class="ch-b-opt"><input type="button" value="R" title="Refresh" onclick="myreloadchat();" id="reloadchatbutton" class="ch-b-opt"><span style="color: green; font-size: 10px; padding-left: 10px; display: none;" id="reNewPostsChat">Refreshed</span></div></div>      
      <script type="text/javascript">      
      var ucodes = {ru:{logged: "$USER_LOGGED_IN$", login: "$USERNAME$"}};      
      includeJSfile("http://en.uscripts.de/js/chat.js", "uchat");      

You mussn't add the Code in the Left or Right container, you can add the code where you want that chat.
5. Now the Installation is complete. If you have questions or problems feel freee to ask here in the forum wink

A very nice chat which is build on the guestbook.
This script has the following functions:
-> Auto refresh (all 10 seconds, customizable)
-> Color of the message, which are addressed to the user.
-> Smileys
-> BB-Codes functions like Code, Quote, Spoiler etc.
-> Send the messages with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + Enter
-> and much more.

The installation should be easy, but it will be difficult for beginners.
Ok then let us begin to install this Script wink

1. Login in the CP and activate the guestbook module (if isn't activated).
2. In the CP go to User -> User groups ->Set permissions for all groups and set it like on the Screenshot:

3. Now go in the CP to Customize design -> Guestbook -> Appearance of entries and replace all the Code with the following code:

<div class="blockGbChat $CLASS$">
    <div style="float: left">
    <span onclick="toUmane('<?if $USERNAME$?>$USERNAME$<?else?>Guest<?endif?>');" class="gbchatnick"> <?if $USERNAME$?>$USERNAME$<?else?>Guest<?endif?></span>
    <div style="text-align: right">
    <span title="$DATE$" class="gbct-nav" style="color: grey; font-size: 9px;">$TIME$</span>
    <?if $MODER_PANEL$?>$MODER_PANEL$<?endif?>
    <span title="$USERNAME$" class="gbct-nav" onclick="<?if substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9,strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'")) != $CUR_USER_ID$?>userChatNav({num: '$NUMBER$'},this);<?else?>_uWnd.alert('You have wrote this message.', 'Captain obvious', {w: 200, h: 70, tm: 5000});<?endif?>"><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/icons/user_gray.png" align="absmiddle" border="0"></span>
    <div class="hrchat"></div>
    <span class="messageChatMess">$MESSAGE$</span>
    <?if substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9, strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'")) != $CUR_USER_ID$?><div id="chb$NUMBER$" class="chat-block-div" onmouseover="menuJJ(this, 1);" onmouseout="menuJJ(this, 0);"><div class="cbgbH"><div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px;"><?if $USER_AVATAR_URL$?><img src="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" onerror="this.src='/images/noavatar.png'" style="border: 0px; max-height: 150px; max-width: 150px;"><?else?><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/noavatar.png" style="border: 0px; max-height: 150px; max-width: 150px;"><?endif?></div> <div class="menu-chat-link prfl-mcg" onmouseover="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onmouseout="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onclick="menuNavChat('<?substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9,strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$,strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'"))?>', 0);">Profile</div><?if $USER_LOGGED_IN$?><div class="menu-chat-link prfl-pm" onmouseover="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onmouseout="$(this).toggleClass('gvr-chgbl');" onclick="menuNavChat('<?substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,"/index/8-")+9, strpos(substr($PROFILE_URL$, strpos($PROFILE_URL$,'/index/8-')+9),"'"))?>', 1);">Send PM</div><?endif?> </div></div><?endif?>

4. Now go in the Customize design to Global blocks -> Left or Right container and add the following code there where the Chat should be:

<link type="text/css" rel="StyleSheet" href="http://uscripts.de/css/chat-styles.css" />      
      <div id="gbchat"><div id="gbcb1"><div style="text-align: center; padding-top: 50px">Loading…</div> </div><div style="padding: 3px;" id="bbcodesInChat"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-bold.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('b');" alt="" title="Bold"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-italic.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('i');" alt="" title="Italic"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/format-text-underline.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('u');" alt="" title="Underline"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/script_code.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('code');" alt="" title="Add code"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/miscellaneous2.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('spoiler');" alt="" title="Spoiler"> <img class="bbcodeImgChat" align="absmiddle" src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/bbcodes/user_comment.png" onclick="bbcodeChat('quote');" alt="" title="Add quote"></div><textarea id="txtchatGB" onfocus="ifchatautosmiles();" onkeypress="ctrlpost(event, gbch.post);"></textarea> <div class="postbuttons-chat"><div class="pstt-chat"><img src="http://uscripts.de/images/chat/icons/load.gif" style="border: 0;padding:3px 0px 0px 2px; display: none" alt="" align="absmiddle" id="statimg-chat"></div><input type="button" value="Senden" onclick="gbch.post();" title="Ctrl + Enter" class="ch-b-send"><input type="button" title="Smileys" onclick="smilesToggleChat();" value=":)" class="ch-b-sml"><input type="button" value="~" title="Options" onclick="optionschat();" class="ch-b-opt"><input type="button" value="R" title="Refresh" onclick="myreloadchat();" id="reloadchatbutton" class="ch-b-opt"><span style="color: green; font-size: 10px; padding-left: 10px; display: none;" id="reNewPostsChat">Refreshed</span></div></div>      
      <script type="text/javascript">      
      var ucodes = {ru:{logged: "$USER_LOGGED_IN$", login: "$USERNAME$"}};      
      includeJSfile("http://en.uscripts.de/js/chat.js", "uchat");      

You mussn't add the Code in the Left or Right container, you can add the code where you want that chat.
5. Now the Installation is complete. If you have questions or problems feel freee to ask here in the forum wink

Author - GoblinaS
Date Added - 2011-09-15 в 4:44 PM
interoutDate: Thursday, 2011-09-15, 4:48 PM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1027


Author - interout
Date Added - 2011-09-15 в 4:48 PM
BAtmanDate: Thursday, 2011-09-15, 4:57 PM | Message # 3
Group: Member
Messages: 129


Author - BAtman
Date Added - 2011-09-15 в 4:57 PM
GoblinaSDate: Friday, 2011-09-16, 10:06 PM | Message # 4
Group: S-Moderator
Messages: 380


Author - GoblinaS
Date Added - 2011-09-16 в 10:06 PM
DragonDate: Saturday, 2013-12-07, 9:01 PM | Message # 5
Group: UcozBaze Team
Messages: 4
It's a fantastic.This script working marvellously in the module.But why there is not a script that works with the mini chat  module? surprised
MessageIt's a fantastic.This script working marvellously in the module.But why there is not a script that works with the mini chat  module? surprised

Author - Dragon
Date Added - 2013-12-07 в 9:01 PM
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