How to add avatars next to the users name when they post.......
Go to CP ---> Design ---> Design management (templates) ---> guestbook ---> appearance of entries
paste this code before $MESSAGE$
<?if($USER_AVATAR_URL$)?> <img style="padding-right:13px" align="left" title="$USERNAME$" src="$USER_AVATAR_URL$" width="70" height="70" border="0"><?else?><?if($USER_LOGGED_IN$)?><img style="padding-right:13px" align="left" title="$USERNAME$" src="/noavatrs.gif" width="70" height="70" border="0"><?else?><img style="padding-right:13px" align="left" title="$USERNAME$" src="/noavatars.gif" width="70" height="70" border="0"><?endif?><?endif?>
This should work , and you need to replace the no avatar links with your no avatar image for users that don't have an avatar displayed smile