Great, beautiful color and statistics for uCoz.Ona very simple, but at the same time beautiful.
The first will be displayed and the number of people will be on a green background.
Just below how many people today have gone on an orange background.
Installation is very simple.
Go to the block where you want to see the stats and paste the code that follows:
<div style="width:175px;margin-top:15px">
<div style="overflow:hidden">
#userkaOnl {color:#FFF;padding:4px 10px;background:#6EC32A;margin-bottom:5px}
#userkaNum {color:#FFF;padding:4px 10px;background:#F4591C}
#userkaNum a {color:#FFF}
<div id="userkaOnl"> <b>$ONLINE_COUNTER$</b></div>
<div id="userkaNum">New users today: <a href="javascript://" rel="nofollow" onclick="new _uWnd('TdUsrLst',' ',250,200,{autosize:0},{url:'/index/62-2'};);return false;" class="fUsrList"><b id="usNaN"></b></a> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
NanUsers = function(number, one, two, five) { number = Math.abs(number); number %= 100; if (number >= 5 && number <= 20) { return five; } number %= 10; if (number == 1) { return one; } if (number >= 2 && number <= 4) { return two; } return five; };
$.get('/index/62-2', function(numUs){$("#usNaN").append( $('a',$('cmd[p="content"]',numUs).text()).size());};);