okay well i will make a small tutorial in here in this post
Go to Admin panel ---> Design templates ---> General appearance of forum pages ----> Find $BODY$ and place this code AFTER $BODY$
<table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" class="gTable">
<td class="gTableTop" colspan="5">Statistics Forum</td>
<td width="25%" class="gTableSubTop">Recent Posts</td>
<td width="25%" class="gTableSubTop">Readable topic</td>
<td width="25%" class="gTableSubTop">Top Users </td>
<td width="25%" class="gTableSubTop">New User</td>
<td class="gTableBody1" style="padding:10px;">$MYINF_1$</td>
<td class="gTableBody1" style="padding:10px;">$MYINF_2$</td>
<td class="gTableBody1" style="padding:10px;">$MYINF_3$</td>
<td class="gTableBody1" style="padding:10px;">$MYINF_4$</td>
After that we can creat the informers so make a reply when u are done with this
Recent Posts
Go to Control Panel -> Informers
Create informer -> Informer name: Recent Posts -> Section: Forum -> Sorting mode: Latest updated threads -> Entries: 10 Columns: 1 -> Click on 'create'.
Readable or populair topic
Create second informer -> Informer name: Most Popular Threads -> Section: Forum -> Sorting mode: Most popular threads -> Entries: 10 Columns: 1 -> Click on 'create'.
Top Users
Create third informer -> Informer name: Top Users -> Section: Users -> Sorting mode: Num. of forum posts -> Entries: 10 Columns: 1 -> Click on 'create'.
New User
Create last informer -> Informer name: Newest Users -> Section: Users -> Sorting mode: Registration date D -> Entries: 10 Columns: 1
-> Click on 'create'.
Guests are not permitted to view the module
When you create informer on forum, you should let guests the option for reading the forum.
if you restrict guests to view or read the forum, then the informer that you have created for forum won't work and it will give a message "Guests are not permitted to view the module".
Because Informers output the information only available for guests.
So set permission for guests to view the module.